Our Blogs

“If You and I unite together, WE can make a significant impact in the Field of Empowering Education.”

While researching for the “Legacy of VITeach” post, I stumbled upon an event called Kid's Sunday, which our seniors had hosted in 2016-17. This discovery inspired me, fueling a long-held desire to recreate a similar event. On April 20, 2024, VITeach decided to organize an event that resonated with that inspiration: EmpowerED, short for "Empower Education,", an initiative towards one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals’ Goal 4: Quality Education where we welcomed the children of VIT Chennai house-keeping staff into our classroom. Although my in-person absence, I followed the event virtually - hearing about the experiences of both students and volunteers was incredibly fulfilling. Being there virtually provided me with the unique perspective of a viewer, leader, and volunteer all at once. This multidimensional experience sparked the idea to write a blog about it!

The Fun-Filled Learning Day

With over 43 students and 25 volunteers, the aim was to foster the interest of Spoken English among the students. The day began with an exciting "Guess the Animal '' game where animal sounds were played, and the children had to guess which animal made that sound. This ice-breaker not only introduced the students to various animal names in English but also helped them learn about descriptive adjectives like color, size, and more. The excitement was palpable as the kids eagerly guessed and described the animals. Following this, a dedicated session on adjectives expanded their vocabulary further. Powerpoint presentations prepared by the School Team were used by the volunteers to teach the children about various adjectives, enhancing their ability to describe the world around them. The children were keen to learn and asked numerous questions, making the session interactive and fun.

The second session was all about hands-on learning with fun science experiments. The children were fascinated by activities such as making invisible ink, observing the surface tension between soap-water-pepper, understanding refraction etc. All these experiments were delivered with utmost care and the most easily understandable explanations. These experiments not only entertained but also ignited a curiosity for science in the young minds. Seeing their eyes light up with each discovery was truly heartwarming. After providing the mid-day meal, the talent show gave the children a chance to shine. They showcased their skills and talents, which ranged from dancing to singing and more, in a language they were comfortable with. Following this was a session on prepositions, where a PowerPoint presentation with images and easy explanations by the volunteers helped them grasp the concept easily. The session concluded with a preposition worksheet prepared by the School Team to reinforce their learning. It was wonderful to see the children so eager to participate and learn.

The final session was a creative one, where the children unleashed their creative cells to make "Thank You" cards. Volunteers explained the basics text, and the kids, with guidance, translated their messages from Tamil or their native language to English. This activity not only sparked creativity but also taught them the importance of gratitude. The joy on their faces as they created their cards was priceless. We ended the event on a high note by donating the books and stationary collected during our pre-Vibrance event “Stationery Drive”. The joy and gratitude in the children's eyes as they received the books were the perfect culmination to a day filled with learning, creativity, and fun.

Voices of the Event

Kid’s Perspective

The children's enthusiasm and joy was countless throughout the event. One of the students summed up his experience with a big smile, "It went well! I learned dance, English, and math." He particularly enjoyed the thank you card activity, which taught him how to express his creativity and gratitude in English. Another child, when asked about her favorite session, excitedly shared, "The animal sounds session was my favorite! We got points if we guessed correctly, and it was really fun!"

The science experiments left a lasting impression on many of the students. A student enthusiastically explained, "If an egg is placed in water, it sinks, but if we mix salt in the water, the egg floats!" Another experiment that captured their imagination involved pepper and soap, demonstrating the principle of surface tension. "In a plate with pepper powder and water, if we touch it with soap, it separates," a student recounted with wide eyes.

Prepositions, a concept many found tricky before, became clear and fun through interactive and pictorial teaching. "I learned about prepositions today," said one student, proudly holding up a worksheet filled with examples. The talent show was another highlight, with students eagerly showcasing their skills. "We learned how to talk to you guys in English, and it will be useful for higher studies," one participant noted, highlighting the practical benefits of the day's activities.

Volunteers’ Perspectives

The volunteers, too, found the experience deeply rewarding and filled with memorable moments.

  • Tapaswi:

    "First, I just wanted to thank VITeach for conducting this event amidst our exam hardships. Seeing the kids' enthusiasm was like reliving my childhood. Their energy was contagious, and it reinvigorated my confidence to ace my exams. I also spoke with a few older students who had just completed their 11th and 12th grades. They asked for career advice, and I shared some of my personal experiences and suggestions. They appreciated my input, and it was an honor to guide them on their future paths.

    The 'Guess the Animal' session was a highlight for me, as the kids were so eager to participate, even when their answers were wrong. The science session was another highlight; the kids were so curious to understand the logic behind the experiments!. This event refreshed my spirit and gave me the motivation I needed to tackle my exams with renewed energy. Thanks to the kids and VITeach members, I felt ready and confident."

  • Rithu:

    "I had a wonderful time! At first, I was nervous because it was my first time working with kids, but everything turned out great. The kids were initially shy, but as we engaged them with questions, they warmed up. Teaching them animal sounds filled the classroom with excited answers. I spent most of my time with a group of girls who had finished their board exams. They felt a bit left out while the teaching was happening, so I was asked to take them aside and talk to them about college life, fields they could explore after college, their careers, and everything else, using whatever knowledge I had. A few other volunteers joined me there, and we had a great conversation with them. Then I had the opportunity to explain the topic of prepositions. The talent show and thank-you card session were particularly memorable. The kids’ creativity and enthusiasm during the thank-you card activity were impressive. Everyone came up with colorful and interesting drawings and wanted to give them to a few of the volunteers. By the end, Pragnya and I went around asking people if they enjoyed their day and their experience, and their feedback was overwhelming. It was my favorite part of the whole day., making the day incredibly rewarding."

  • VidhyaShankar:

    "It was really a great experience with the kids. They were very cooperative, and their presence made me forget about my stress and allowed me to have fun. Seeing their enthusiasm and willingness to learn was incredibly rewarding. It reminded me of the joy of learning and how education can be such a positive force in young minds."

  • Bala:

    "It was a great experience teaching primary school students. Their curiosity and energy were infectious. They had raised so many basic yet important questions about our science experiments, which adults often overlook. They were really curious, energetic, and enthusiastic. Their natural curiosity and eagerness to understand the world around them was infectious. It was really fun and reminded me of the importance of nurturing curiosity from a young age."

  • Sripravathi:

    "I had a great time at the event, and I was more than happy to spend time with kids and help them learn new things. It's often said that handling kids is stressful, but to me, those few hours which I spent with them were some of the most memorable and happiest days of my life. The team members were also very supportive and fun to work with. The event was well-organized, and the activities were engaging for both the kids and the volunteers. I look forward to more such opportunities."

  • Kaviya:

    "The interaction with the students, from LKG to 12th grade, was memorable. Each student showcased unique talents. I just felt they all really showed up their talents on that day. It was so happy and pleasant to see the little happy faces throughout the day. Their joy and excitement were contagious, making the day enjoyable for everyone involved."

  • Alka:

    "It was a humbling and rewarding experience for me. Their resilience and enthusiasm despite challenges left a lasting impact, highlighting the importance of empathy and support in fostering a brighter future for all. Teaching them was incredibly fulfilling. Witnessing their progress and seeing their faces light up filled me with joy and satisfaction. It was a reminder of the power of education to uplift and empower. The kids left me deeply satisfied, knowing that I had played a small part in their journey of learning and growth."

  • Pragnya:

    "It was a wonderful experience. The kids were very amiable and cheerful. Some even compared their heights to mine, which was amusing. The kids were so excited to dance as well. They also enjoyed making the thank-you cards. Would love to have an experience like this again. Their happiness and eagerness to participate made the day special for all of us volunteers."

  • Pranjal:

    "It was a very new and exciting experience for me. I always wanted to take part in teaching, and this event gave me that opportunity, which was way more beyond than satisfactory. Even with the communication barrier, there were lots of interactions and many happy moments. I even got to learn a few Tamil sentences! Overall, it was a very thrilling and heartfelt experience, which I'll always look back on with a good smile. The event reinforced my passion for teaching and the joy it brings."

Veda summed up the collective sentiment beautifully, "It was nice, very nice! The smiles on their faces were priceless. Even their parents were really happy, which made my day."

The collective feedback from the volunteers highlights the joy and fulfillment derived from engaging with the kids. Their experiences underscore the importance of such events in fostering a love for learning and community spirit.

Insights Behind the Scenes

Abhinay, the General Secretary of VITeach stated that this was really an important event for us. “It's funny how I remember it as a Saturday event, even when we were creating formal documents, I wrote it as a Saturday event. The thing was, it was a quick buzz about how we organized and made this event happen two days before that d-day. That means on Wednesday evening, we got the intimation to plan the event, and by Thursday we got a formal introduction and analysis about how this event would be and what our faculty coordinator expected us to do. Then by sitting on Thursday night with the club members and other department heads, we were able to make a detailed plan on Friday. We were able to gather a team together to make this event happen. In between, there was a gut feeling saying that maybe something might go wrong.

On the contrary, it was the first time we were directly collaborating with kids. This was something the club was supposed to do, and through our academic tenure, we hadn't had the chance. This was the right opportunity, and that excitement was running through us. Despite the ups and downs, we finally concluded a clear-cut plan. By Friday night, we had everything sorted out, including food and other necessary arrangements.

Saturday, the d-day, was fun and great. The kids slowly started to come in, and the energy was fantastic. The dynamic age group, from young kids to teenagers, meant we had to make spontaneous changes to our plans. Older teenagers were given a separate space to have one to one conversations about career, life and educational aspects, while younger kids engaged in scientific activities and educational content presented by passionate volunteers. The event involved multiple fun activities, snack breaks, and a great feast where the kids all sat together.

The talent show was a highlight, with students showcasing their talents in dancing, art, and singing. They also created greeting cards for their loved ones, which was heartwarming to see. The final highlight was taking the kids around AB1, where they played at the amphitheater before returning for a final snack break, reuniting with their parents.”

"The event was astonishingly cute and fruitful at heart for all the organizers. It made sense for us as leaders of VITeach to be there and make this event happen." concluded Abhinay.

"It was heart-warming to see so many kids turn up on a weekend, showing their enthusiasm and excitement throughout the event. I'm grateful for those who paid attention to the action song, especially considering it was right after lunch—a time when grabbing attention can be tricky! The kids' card-making session was particularly interesting to witness, with some of them showcasing truly creative ideas." said Janice, one of the Outreach Heads.

Though I couldn't be there in person, being virtually present with the team brought overwhelming happiness. Yeah, I was there for the entire time, you might wonder how? That’s Because I was the one handling the media contents on our social handle throughout the day, keeping our social community updated about the amazing event! I was mesmerized by the overwhelming amount of interactions and engagement our Instagram had from our seniors, faculties, fellow VITeachers, and VITians! The feedback and updates I received throughout the event was heartwarming. Kudos to the School Head, Prisha and Varshini, for planning the sessions in a very short notice, Our Faculty Co-ordinators Dr Sathiyanarayanan Sir and Dr Manivannan Sir, Abhinay, the General Secretary, President Shraddha, every single volunteer and the entire core committee of this academic year for smoother execution behind the scenes, making this event a memorable one!

This event was more than just an event—it was an experience of effective communication, teamwork, overcoming fear, reduction of stress and anxiousness, curiosity to learn, the desire to educate, respect, and the importance of practical education, emotional intelligence and more! Not to forget, it broke the stereotype of language barriers, as both non-Tamil-speaking volunteers and the Tamil-speaking kids tried to communicate with the help of Tamil-speaking volunteers. The dedication and coordination of the volunteers, both online and offline, was commendable. Their newfound optimism and the kid's willingness towards acquiring knowledge raised my spirit and made my day.

The event also conveys a message that the potential today’s generation hold, their abilities are beyond the scene! If you and I unite together, we can make a significant impact in the field of empowering education. One of my role models says “Teamwork makes the Dream Work.”, it's true, this event sets a perfect example to that quote!

Let us come Together under one dream to build a better Tomorrow! Keep Exploring, Keep Learning!