Our Blogs

“Meeting them made me forget about
every tension that I had!”

It was during the first year that I had an orientation and I came across many technical and non-technical clubs in the college. There was one club VITeach which was introduced to us as a social outreach club by the ex-General Secretary G. Amritha. After the orientation I requested her to accept me in the club. She told me to be present in the curtain-raiser and I did so. There I met Sanjay Bhaiya (ex-president) and he asked me an unexpected question which was ” you won’t get OD for going to school and you have to take out time for doing activities so why are you joining the club?” My answer was ” to enrich the learning experience of the kids and to see a smile on those faces.” He added me to the group and asked me to join a team and as expected, I chose the school team.


I used to go to school twice a week and there have been days when I went alone. Everything you do brings a challenge along with it and you are ought to face it. For me, the biggest challenge was to communicate to children in school as I don’t know the Tamil language. I discussed it with my seniors and they helped me a lot. I used to ask my friends(who know Tamil) to explain subjects to kids in school. And especially for this, I learned Tamil (beginner) so it could be easy for me to make them understand. Believe me “language is not a barrier to communication.”


In my first year, there was a sports day held in ADW school and we divided the children into 4 houses each comprising 15-16 students. And I can’t describe the feeling of euphoria they had—they wanted to defeat the opponent, but they were reluctant to make their friends sad too.

We also took an initiative to celebrate teachers day in ADW school and the teachers of that school were thrilled with our initiative.

After the school used to get over, the children would come running to us and say “bye anna”. The feeling we had at that moment can’t be replicated by any means, they gave such an overwhelming response.

I may be in whatever mood while going to school but whenever I used to meet those kids and see their smiling faces, I don’t know what magic they had but I used to forget about everything and wanted to understand them and learn from them the true sense of happiness. Meeting them made me forget about every tension that I had. I can’t explain those feelings in words.

My 1.5 years in VITeach has been the best time of my life with a lot of happiness, anger, disappointments, clash of thoughts and always the outcome was to make VITeach a better club and everybody accepted it.

In life, there will come many opportunities but it is up to you that you want to grab it or let it go. If you fail to try to fail big then only you will know that what it feels to be successful.