Sign Language for Education

Why is it celebrated on this day?

International Day of Sign Languages is celebrated on September 23 every year. This day was chosen as it marks the anniversary of the World Federation of the Deaf's formation in 1951.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established the day in 2017.

The day aims to raise awareness of sign languages and their importance for deaf and hard-of-hearing people.

Contributions and Evolution

A single individual did not invent sign language, but it has evolved over centuries as a means of communication for the deaf community. Various sign languages have been developed and adapted for educational purposes worldwide.

Prominent educators, such as Hellen Keller, Thomas Hopkins, etc., made significant contributions to developing and promoting sign language as a tool for education.

The evolution of sign languages is a testament to the dedication and efforts of countless individuals and communities who recognized the importance of accessible education for all, including those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

Why sign language should be taught in schools

  1. Allows you to overcome communication barriers
  2. Helps children to express themselves
  3. Increases self-esteem
  4. Builds relationships
  5. Creates an inclusive environment

How sign language can be taught in schools

  • Sign letters as you teach them (sound and writing).
  • Signing songs that are traditionally sung in the classroom.
  • Signing words used during snack time such as ‘eat’, ‘more’, and names of food items.
  • Signing numbers, feelings, months of the year, days of the week, names, numbers.

Sign Language for music?

  • Sign language visually conveys rhythm, melody, and emotions, enhancing the music experience for the deaf.
  • It promotes inclusivity by making music accessible through sign language interpreters.
  • Deaf musicians use sign language to create unique interpretations and enrich music.
  • Sign language empowers the deaf to connect with and participate in the world of music.

Sign Language for Education

Why is it celebrated on this day?

International Day of Sign Languages is celebrated on September 23 every year. This day was chosen as it marks the anniversary of the World Federation of the Deaf's formation in 1951.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established the day in 2017.

The day aims to raise awareness of sign languages and their importance for deaf and hard-of-hearing people.

Contributions and Evolution

A single individual did not invent sign language, but it has evolved over centuries as a means of communication for the deaf community. Various sign languages have been developed and adapted for educational purposes worldwide.

Prominent educators, such as Hellen Keller, Thomas Hopkins, etc., made significant contributions to developing and promoting sign language as a tool for education.

The evolution of sign languages is a testament to the dedication and efforts of countless individuals and communities who recognized the importance of accessible education for all, including those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

Why sign language should be taught in schools

  1. Allows you to overcome communication barriers
  2. Helps children to express themselves
  3. Increases self-esteem
  4. Builds relationships
  5. Creates an inclusive environment

How sign language can be taught in schools

  • Sign letters as you teach them (sound and writing).
  • Signing songs that are traditionally sung in the classroom.
  • Signing words used during snack time such as ‘eat’, ‘more’, and names of food items.
  • Signing numbers, feelings, months of the year, days of the week, names, numbers.

Sign Language for music?

  • Sign language visually conveys rhythm, melody, and emotions, enhancing the music experience for the deaf.
  • It promotes inclusivity by making music accessible through sign language interpreters.
  • Deaf musicians use sign language to create unique interpretations and enrich music.
  • Sign language empowers the deaf to connect with and participate in the world of music.